You're One Step Away From Claiming Your “Super Income Retirement Package”...

Bundle of all tht you'll get when you join Trade of The Day Plus today! Reports, video's and guides!

Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the time to be a part of this special Super Income presentation.

You’re now ready to put yourself on the path to your financial goals.

All you need to do is sign up below for Trade of the Day Plus to receive all the special gifts you’ve been promised today.

NOW is your big chance to take advantage of the timely Super Income recommendations and profit tips from Trade of the Day Plus co-founder Karim Rahemtulla.

You’re getting the chance to emulate Karim’s exact personal Super Income portfolio... a $1 million stake that shot up $79,487 in a single month in 2023.

That was 382 times more than he could have made with his money sitting in a savings account.

Growth of a stock in the super income portfolio

The foundation of Karim’s Super Income system centers on an investment that Warren Buffett absolutely loves. He’s successfully used it for both huge income... and massive capital gains.

In fact, one investment paid his Berkshire Hathaway fund $500 million annually in dividends...

Another paid Berkshire $3 billion in dividends over eight years (along with $20 BILLION in capital gains!)...

And another is paying $800 million annually... as we speak!

There are four particular Buffett-style investments that could help you grow your money dramatically.

And all the details on how to own them are in this Super Income Retirement Package special report:

Featured Report #1

The Top 4 Monster Yields With Massive Upside: How Buffett Made TENS OF BILLIONS

“The Top 4 Monster Yields With Massive Upside: How Buffett Made TENS OF BILLIONS.”

And remember, you don’t need to be a billionaire to prosper from this type of investment. Just look at the rare and extraordinary case of Marvin...

At age 92, he turned a $635K stake into $3.6 million over nine years... He captured $200K a year in dividends.

Okay, so that does it for the first report.

Featured Report #2

The 2 Best Bargain-Priced ETFs for Super Income AND Unlimited Upside

In report #2, you’re going to discover a way to receive MONTHLY dividends from two unique investments.

Karim’s got all the details for you within...

“The 2 Best Bargain-Priced ETFs for Super Income AND Unlimited Upside.”

Featured Report #3

3 Massively Undervalued Perpetual Dividend Payers for Retirement Riches

The third report will set you up for massive quarterly payouts... with deeply discounted entry prices.

“3 Massively Undervalued Perpetual Dividend Payers for Retirement Riches.”

Featured Report #4

How to Pocket TAX-FREE Income With This Sub-$10 Investment

And while many of the investment opportunities we’ve mentioned so far can provide you tax advantages...

There is arguably nothing better when it comes to taxes than the closed-end fund in this next report:

“How to Pocket TAX-FREE Income With This Sub-$10 Investment.”

Featured Report #5

GUARANTEED INCOME for Your Short-Term Cash

Safety is also very important.

And right now, you can lock in GUARANTEED yields that are fully backed by the U.S. government.

Karim details two unique bonds for you in his report...

“GUARANTEED INCOME for Your Short-Term Cash.”

Featured Report #6

The $3 Gold Play

And lastly, you’re going to get a chance to swing for the fences with a special gold play Karim has uncovered.

The buy instructions are in the sixth and final report within the Super Income Retirement Package.

“The $3 Gold Play.”

That’s a ton of valuable material that can help you grow your income and your wealth beyond anything you’ve experienced before.

You get all this when you sign up for a one-year, 100% risk-free subscription to Trade of the Day Plus (a $249 value). And you can get started for as little as $49!

Trade of The Day Plus logo

This powerful service gives you instant access to Trade of the Day emails every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

In these emails, we’ll teach you the secrets of trading, tell you what we’re watching in the markets and explain our favorite types of trades.

But here’s the really special feature of Trade of the Day Plus...

Every Wednesday at 5 p.m. ET, you’ll receive a video from Karim or Bryan revealing the #1 investment to make that week.

And you’ll get paint-by-numbers instructions on how to buy it.

In total, you’ll receive 52 “BUY NOW” investment recommendations throughout the year.

Plus, with Trade of the Day Plus... you’ll also have 24/7 access to our private website, where you can access our current Trade of the Day Plus model portfolio... special reports... and latest buy recommendations...

For example, Karim is responsible for one of the greatest investment picks over the past 12 months: Rolls-Royce.

For Trade of the Day Plus subscribers, Karim predicted...

“[It] could trade at $50 tomorrow and STILL BE CHEAPER than Disney. And it could trade for more than $100 and still be cheaper than Tesla!

That, ladies and gentlemen, is an all-time buying opportunity.”

The chart is a rocket ride up.

Rolls-Royce on a rocket ride up in 2023

Trade of the Day Plus readers are making money hand over fist on it.

One man said he’s up $26,000 (a 45% gain within nine months).

That’s incredible.

And yet there’s another gentleman who bought 516,000 shares at an average price of $0.93..

As of this writing, the stock just hit $1.84, meaning that investment is up about a HALF-MILLION DOLLARS in pure profit since August.

Imagine being able to BUY a Rolls-Royce because you invested in the stock!

With Trade of the Day Plus, you’ll never miss out on the next big moneymaker.

Plus, you’re going to get ALL the amazing additional benefits you’ve been promised today...


Karim says...

Karim headshot

“At one of these upcoming Fed meetings, they will announce that rates will stop going up.

When that happens, you’re going to be rejoicing because you’ve already locked in the great yields with the Super Income Retirement Package.

And that’s when I expect the capital gains to really take off like a bolt of lightning.

But for those who’ve ignored this message, the opportunity will be gone, almost certainly forever for anyone who is 50 or older.”

That’s why you’ve got to get started right away!

The final order of business is getting you the eight-part video series, Wall Street’s Most Treasured Secrets... UNCOVERED! (a $399 value)...

Eight part video series, 'Wall Street's Most Treasued Secrets... Uncovered!'

These instructional videos will take your trading skills to levels you never thought possible.


To receive everything we’ve mentioned...

All you’ll pay today is just $49.

A low, one-time fee. That’s it.

Better yet, your purchase is fully protected by Karim’s 365-day, 100%-satisfaction GUARANTEE.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If for any reason over the next year you aren’t FULLY SATISFIED with everything else you recieve in this special deal…

If you’re not seeing the income and portfolio growth you expected…

You can simply call us up and get a complete refund.

And you dont’t have to send anything back.

Satisfaction Guranteed badge
Karim Rahemtulla signature
Karim Rahmetulla

You can keep over $1,300 worth of the benefits you’ll receive today...

It’s our gift to you as a thank you for giving us the chance to earn your trust.

So there’s absolutely ZERO RISK for you to get started right now.

This guarantee should be reflective of just how confident Karim is that you’ll be happy and successful.

He’s the one shouldering the risk... not you.

Simply put: This offer cannot get any better.

Passionate Trade of the Day Plus member Nancy James said...

“If any of y’all are not in the Trade of the Day Plus, you need to be. I can’t believe the financial information that Karim is really giving away here for members. It’s cheap, and it’s money making. I for one, am SO excited about his ‘Super Income System’.

While other trading services are charging a lot of money for a system, we are getting this information for FREE in TOD+ !! Thank you Karim!! While I have been beating my head against a wall trying to come up with the best income strategies for the upcoming have helped me SO much 😀

Simply fill out the secure order form below to get started.

I kindly ask that you fill out the secure order form below to get started.

Or, if you’d rather place your order over the phone, call our Baltimore headquarters at 866.444.1497 or +1.443.353.4267.

If you have any questions, please call that number, and we can help.

On behalf of all of us here at Trade of the Day Plus, thank you for taking part in today’s special presentation.

We look forward to welcoming you to our passionate community!


Ryan Fitzwater, Associate Publisher
Trade of the Day Plus

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