EXTRA BONUS Until 9/12 ONLY: Extra $300 OFF!
Get Every New Crash-Proof Trade Inside The War Room
This Unique Asset Is Programmed to GO UP as the Markets GO DOWN!
From: Bryan Bottarelli
Date: September 2022
Today is a big day for you.
Today is the day you can become proactive anytime the market drops.
As I’ve proven with Crash-Proof Assets, you can potentially capture HUGE MONEY on the market’s downward move...
Like what happened for us back on February 27.

Stocks fell nearly 1,200 points... but we hit an official 90.71% winner in two days.
Then from May 23 to June 13, as the market dropped 2.79% and entered “bear” territory...

Regular investors were losing their shirts... while we were MAKING BIG MONEY.
And we do this over and over and over again... all throughout the year!
Armed with this Crash-Proof Asset and our other War Room strategies, you’ll quickly see how it’s possible to turn $20,000 into $185,000 in 12 months like David did.
David D. 4/5/2021 at 10:40 a.m.Hey... I started trading with real money in January 2020 in The War Room. My original stake of $20,000 (including wins, losses, and trading fees) ended up being $185,000. I have profited more than my day job paycheck... and that was only part time in The War Room. Here's to future successes for one and all.
Get ready to wake up each morning excited to trade!
You’ll love logging in to The War Room and having actionable commentary and profitable recommendations served up to you on a silver platter.
Remember, I guarantee you’ll get at least 252 winning trade recommendations, per our track record, in your first 12 months of being a War Room member.
That’s one winning trade every day the market is open.
As of August 6, we’ve closed out 197 wins this year.
That’s 1.35 wins per trading day.
A single win allowed War Room members like James to make $13,287 in profit...
James GBS 6/13/2022 at 9:14 a.m.On May 31, I purchased Jun 17, 22 DXD $50 Calls @ $.80, Sold them today @$3.10 = $13,287.95 Profit. Approximately 150% gain. Pays to hedge!
It resulted in a $3,300 profit for Lance...
Lance 6/13/2022 at 10:50 a.m.In .75 out 3.18 for 14 contracts or 324% gain. Netted $3,388 on 14 contracts - Etrade commission. TY bb. This was a big one.
And it led to a $5,320 profit for our member Ed...
Ednchina 6/13/2022 at 9:22 a.m.I closed the 40 shares/contracts I opened at $1.67 for $3.00.
Closed for a nice $5,320 profit!
All in three weeks or less.
As a War Room member, you simply...
- Get a buy alert that says to get in at X price
- Take maybe one minute to place the order
- Get a sell alert that says to sell at Y price
- Take maybe one minute to sell.
And that’s it.
After that, you just look up and see how much profit you made.
It doesn’t get any easier than that.
James, Lance and Ed – as I just mentioned – made thousands of dollars in profits on individual trades.
In essence, The War Room is like having me stand behind you and tell you exactly when to buy and sell for max profit potential.
These are trades you can be confident in because you know I’ve guaranteed you’ll see at least one winning trade every single day the market is open...
And I have the track record to back up that bold performance guarantee.

You will get at least one winning trade recommendation every single day the market is open over the course of the next year.
If we don’t see 252 wins over the course of your subscription (which is highly unlikely, considering we’re averaging 1.35 winning trades a day right now)...
Then simply give us a call, and you’ll get access to all of the tools, resources and trade recommendations in The War Room...
Plus, I also guarantee you will see the chance to double your money in the next 12 months, per our track record.
If either one of those things doesn’t happen, then I’ll comp you a free lifetime membership.
Where else are you going to see a guarantee like that?
In one year – 252 winning trades and a very real shot at doubling your money.
Plus, you’ll get those four special reports I mentioned in my video.
So just to recap, when you fill out that form below, you will get instant access to everything I just mentioned.
That includes...

Total Value = $10,300
With all these resources...
You’ll have everything you need to start following me in The War Room.
Of course...
You don’t have to read every report and watch every video to start making money.
I just want to ensure you have all the tools in your toolkit to succeed.
Bottom line...
The War Room is a unique place where people just like you are gathering every day... all with one goal in mind: to make winning trades!
And if you’re one of the first 99 to join today, you’ll save 66% off the normal retail price.
Better yet... we’re adding a special $300-OFF BONUS until September 14 ONLY!
That gives you the opportunity to join at the bargain rate of just $2,200!
To start getting our market analysis and trade recommendations in The War Room today, just fill out the form below right now.
Or, if you prefer to speak with someone personally... you may call our friendly VIP Service Squad at 888.215.5311 or +1.410.864.3083.
I look forward to seeing you on the inside.

Bryan Bottarelli, Founder
The War Room
September 2022