War Room Open House

Free Live Trades All Week!

November 4 - 8 (From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET)

You get a FREE week inside The War Room...

Which could hand you tremendous profit-making opportunities...

All during one of the most volatile weeks in the market we've seen in years!


No catch... No delayed billing... No BS.

Just Live Trades Coming to You All Election Week

You’ll see all the triggers...

Read all the outlines of possible trade setups...

Get the exact entry and exit timing...

All right before your eyes. 

In past Open Houses... they’ve opened and closed 8 winners... 10 winners... even 15 winning trades in just five days...

Members got a chance to DOUBLE their money... OVERNIGHT...

On a FREE trade recommendation!

But with the election coming up...

This could be the biggest Open House yet!

It’s Called the Election Open House

You’re invited to join this FREE event, where you’ll...

Screenshot of the War Room interface, a phone with a Trade Alert, and Bryan and Karim smiling

Mark Your Calendar For November 4!


Big Opportunities for No Matter What Happens on Election Day!

Right now... Bryan and Karim are looking at a ton of potential trades.

Using the past debate as a model...

Bitcoin went down...

Solar went up.

Since the election could easily go either direction...

Clean energy could go either way.

No matter what happens... we’ll be ready to get in on whatever trend develops.

Here’s just a few of the stocks on their radar for that week:

One big one is Trump Media and Technology Group’s stock... DJT.

It’s been extremely volatile.

It moved 40% the day after the Biden debate.

Plus... the lockups for insiders to sell the stock are expiring... so there could be even bigger moves coming.

Aerospace is another area they are watching closely.

We’ve sent so many arms to Ukraine... we are going to have to build them back up.

That includes companies like:

Bottom line: you’ll be in with Bryan and Karim before, during, and after election day.

You can see them guide members through trades no matter who wins.

They might even do a play on an index that is designed to win with a big move in either direction.

So, for instance...

If the S&P goes up big... OR down big...

This play wins both ways with a big move in either direction.

If any of these opportunities leads to a live, real-time War Room trade opportunity, you’ll see it unfold right before your eyes...

And you’ll get a chance to cash in!

Given this massive list of earnings reports... 

Plus... We’re expecting a perfect setup for one of our FAVORITE strategies in The War Room... 

Overnight Trades. 

These are special trades where members have gotten in one day...

Gone to sleep...

And woken up to DOUBLE their money... or more... the very next day!

In fact...

It happened during one of our Open Houses.

Bryan saw the potential for Electronic Arts to make a major move.

Members had the chance to make one simple trade on Tuesday...

Then... the very next morning...

EA was the biggest-moving stock in the entire exchange.

It was good for at least an overnight double.

Our member Charles did even better... he scored a 191% GAIN on that EA trade!

Charles, Lifetime Member 5/11/2022 at 10:30 a.m.

“Second week of trading in The War Room. Scored a 191% gain on EA 112 call overnight – in at $4.05 and out at $11.80. WOW!!!”

And remember... our Open House participants got it 100% for FREE!

Best of all... these Overnight Trades can even double your money when the stock crashes...

So... it’s the PERFECT strategy for volatility during this election week.

Will you see 25% gains... 50% gains... or even DOUBLE your money overnight during this next Open House?


There’s only one way to find out...

Join us for your FREE War Room Open House RIGHT NOW.

We’ve had some amazing Open Houses before... so you don’t want to miss this!

Here’s What Happened in a Recent Open House (Hint: Lots of Winners!)

Monday: Members had a chance at a lightning-quick 20% gain within 20 minutes of the market opening for the week.

Tuesday: Our Marathon Digital Holdings trade popped overnight...

Steven K. grabbed 93% overnight...

Allison said...

“Nice one, over 100%!”

And Mark locked in $1,200 overnight!

“+44%. Thank you, Bryan!”

An Open House visitor locked in a nice overnight double!

“I’m an Open House visitor. MARA... in at $2.07, out at $4. Woohoo!”

Another Open House visitor, Joe S., made 117%!

“Hot damn, Bryan! Just closed out my very first trade as a guest in The War Room. In yesterday MARA, 4/16/21, 52 CALL, at $1.89; out this morning at $4.10. That’s a 117% profit! Yippee!!!”

Wednesday: Members closed out the second half of their Goldman Sachs Overnight Trades...

Melvin closed out for 132%.

Tim said it was his first week with us, but he still made 137%:

“This is my first week here and I’m happy I joined. In GS at $5.65, out at $13.40. Still learning but looking forward to more success with this team. Thanks!”

Thursday: Members closed their Dell trade after just four days...

Peter locked in 242%:

“The results of the Kenny Rogers System (hold ’em or fold ’em)... DELL finally ran out of steam. In at $2.40/out at $6.05. Thank you, Bryan! 242% overnight win!”

And John had just finished golfing... when he locked in almost 200%!

“I know this is not the thread... but Bryan wants us to brag. Just came in from golfing and sold DELL for 181% GAIN. Thank you, Bryan!”

Friday: We saw another overnight winner on Moderna...

James made $2,200 overnight on just that one trade!

“In at $4.95, out at $6.05!”

Mike M. made a quick 22% overnight...

“Out at $6.50 for a 22% gain. Thanks, BB!”

And Joseph S. called his 20% overnight return...

“A nice little weekend treat!”

Now, keep in mind... risk is part of investing. Not every trade we recommend will turn out to be a winner...

But here’s the bottom line:

Every Single One of Our Past Open Houses Was a HUGE Success!

For our first... we opened and closed eight winners in just that week.

And our second was even BETTER...

We opened and closed out 10 winners.

In both of them...

We had new winners every single day of the week.

People were losing their minds!

But for our third...

We opened and closed out of 14 trades...

And ALL 14 of them were winners! 

Our Open Houses just keep getting better and better...

In our most recent... as we mentioned earlier... we opened and closed out of 15 winners...

That’s 15 winners... in just FIVE freaking days!

And we’re even MORE excited for this upcoming Open House... because we think it will be our best yet!

Will we hit 20 winners? 

You’ll have to join us to see for yourself!

So sign up right now... while you still can...

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NOTE: Due to the nature of this Open House, we reserve the right to close down registrations at any time without notice. We cannot guarantee you a spot until you complete your registration and receive a confirmation email. Please do so now to reserve your FREE spot.

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Your Promotion Code is: X3254ABA